Publish/subscribe with Postgres and Node.js
A few years ago realtime was the buzzword of the day. The killer feature of something could be that it did something old – but in realtime.
Nowadays realtime is something that we’ve come to expect. Tweets, comments, news – all content should be delivered to you right away, no matter if you’re browsing the web or walking around with the phone in your pocket.
But solving realtime in code hasn’t become as straight forward. The typical simple web application just saves stuff to a database. It pushes to it and it pulls from it. And there’s no realtime in pulling.
To solve realtime one needs to add a push to the pull. A message queue system like RabbitMQ excels at that, but adding an extra dependency to an application adds complexity and might scare you of. The alternative many would point to is Redis, but you may not be aware that your current database might have a publish/subscribe system built in to it.
If you use Postgres it does.
Realtimeness for WebMentions
When Stuart Langridge sent me a pull request for a realtime EventSource endpoint for my WebMention endpoint I was thrilled and saw an opportunity to try out something I had heard about long ago: PostgreSQL:s LISTEN
. They would enable the endpoint to scale horizontally beyond a single instance – which for Node.js in general, and Heroku hosting in particular, is great. All without any extra dependencies and the complexities they would add when it comes to hosting environments etc.
Postgres Pubsub and the pg-pubsub module
Publishing is simple in Postgres. Using the ordinary database connection one just sends a NOTIFY
query with an arbitrary channel name (doesn’t have to be predefined) and optionally a text payload to accompany it. In my case the query looked like:
NOTIFY mentions, '{"eid":123}'
Subscribing is also simple, one just do:
LISTEN mentions
But maintaining a persistent connection over time with retrial on failures as well as ensuring that all subscriptions are properly set up for each connection and teared down on application shutdown takes a bit more code – not much – but a little.
So I then created the pg-pubsub module to package all that code behind a neat little interface and have it maintain a persistent connection, subscribe to notification channels and retry on connection failures for me.
I decided to utilise my newly created promised-retry module to set up a retry mechanism and then added the simple addChannel
, removeChannel()
and close()
methods that one would expect from a publish/subscribe listener to enable the setup and teardown of the module. I also added in automatic JSON-parsing.
All in all that resulted all you needing to do to subscribe to Postgres notifications being:
var PGPubsub = require('pg-pubsub');
var pubsubInstance = new PGPubsub('postgres://username@localhost/tablename');
pubsubInstance.addChannel('channelName', function (channelPayload) {
// Handle the notification and its payload
// If the payload was JSON it has already been parsed for you
So – if you’re already using Postgres (if you’re not, then you should consider doing so for other reasons) then this is likely the simplest way you could go about adding some realtimeness to your multi-instance Node.js application. A simple NOTIFY
query whenever something interesting happens and simple listener instance for receiving them.
I haven’t dug into the performance of LISTEN
compared to full message queues or Redis Pubsub, but for prototyping and getting something up and running as well as for the simplicity of a project in regards to external dependencies it certainly wins over the alternatives. And switching later on would be fairly straight forward. Pubsub-mechanisms isn’t really rocket science. Making a RabbitMQ-wrapper with the same API as pg-pubsub would be very simple.