Pelle Wessman

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Just launched a ServiceWorker here on my site, added a manifest.json that for now goes all in on setting it up for a PWA (it shouldn't really configure itself to launch as a standalone app, but I want to test the standalone mode out so for now it will) and modified the published time on all of these posts to by default be set as 15 seconds old and thus never be treated as a future post when the build server is triggered by a Micropub post – something both GitHub pages and Netlify has had a problem with.

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Trump, the know-nothing victor

There is a problem in journalism that we favour lots of diversities over economic diversity … We don’t have enough folks who grew up in working-class rural communities.

This is probably true for many places that want to be actively working towards gathering a more diverse crowd. When measuring the diversity one picks a few dimensions, but forgets that there are many others as well. The diverse crowd one then gathers might only be diverse in some very specific ways, but far from diverse in other ones. The diverse city crowd is eg. still a city crowd and might differ from the diverse non-city crowd.

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Yarn certainly helps with some parts of this. Eg. parts of "installed-check" can be replaced with "yarn check", but the engine checks, "dependency-check" and "husky" certainly still provide value when using Yarn.

The ecosystem is to a large degree still the same, no matter if one uses the Yarn client or the npm client.

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Not sure if there's any examples of people who have done this yet, but classicly one can use rel-next and rel-prev to indicate pagination, feels like that could make sense to use here as well, at least in addition to whatever other solution one comes up with.

One of the reasons why there probably aren't a lot of examples on how to do this is that until more people use IndieReaders it can easily be a case of plumbing rather than dogfooding as one will be marking up stuff that no one yet uses. So first step towards solving this is to dogfood it with an IndieReader.

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Just released version 0.3.0 of my self-hosteable micropub endpoint for Jekyll sites:

What's new? It now supports configurable permalink styles – whatever Jekyll supports it supports – Jekylls code has been ported over and so has Jekylls own tests.

How do I use it? Update your code. Done. The other new feature is auto-configuration, which reads your Jekyll configuration to figure out what your permalink style is.

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Maybe one for the assigning part could reuse or extend the existing invitation mechanisms that's in use for events:

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Hi! Thanks for reading my blog. Lots of words, right? Yeah, that's just me, Pelle Wessman, that sometimes likes to put a lot of words in certain orders to try to make sense of the world. Hope you enjoyed it!